February 28, 2013

Post-Presentation: Further Investigation

Do other factors contribute to why these two schools are most child-friendly?

Location: Are these amenities provided because of the schools' location, or do the schools just happen to be placed within busy, well-planned areas?
Figure 7. Urban Clusters present in the Gainesville area.

Average Home Value: The value of one's home can give some insight into how much money one has or has been able to invest long-term.
Figure 8. Average home value in Gainesville, centered around our two focus schools.
Percent College: Those adults who attend/have attended college tend to have better jobs, and are thus better off financially.
Is there a correlation between average home value and percent of the population who attended college?
Figure 9. Percent of Gainesville's population that received a college education, centered around our two focus schools.
Percent White: Sadly, we are still in a time when being racially dominant can lead to many advancements, including better/higher education and higher paying jobs.
Figure 10. Percent of Gainesville's population that identifies with the 'White' race, centered around our two focus schools.

What conclusions can be made?

  • Littlewood and Finley are not located within urban clusters, thus providing evidence that the amenities were provided in order to benefit the surrounding communities, many of which have homes with children.
  • Littlewood and Finley are surrounded by homes that average at least $125,000 in value, and many of which exceed $250,000 in value.
  • Littlewood and Finley are almost exclusively the only Elementary schools in Gainesville that have 80-100% of its surrounding adult population having attended college.
  •  Littlewood and Finley are surrounded by communities that are 80-100% composed of people that fall under the 'White' race.
  • As you can see, the surrounding schools have less "beneficial" surrounding communities, meaning they are lower in value, have a lower college percentage, and have greater race diversity.